Saturday, September 6, 2008

False promises and Empty threats

Mike Packer

Again the impotent Israeli Government (IG) has pulled another coup.

A small flotilla of ships sailed from Cyprus to Gaza under the guise of a "peace movement", they managed to break the through the Israeli blockade and reached shore where they were greeted by representatives of the Hamas regime. Again Israel has egg on her face due to the inaction of the IG and the Minister of Defense. How much longer must we abide with this mockery of a government and a criminal PM? How much longer must we abide this Defense Minister whose only claim to recent fame is his toothless bark?

The IG policy of doing nothing and not replying to attacks from Gaza and the debacle of Lebanon II has eroded our standing in the International community. European countries are now wooing Arab states, Egypt is signing a treaty with Hamas, The United States has sent the SoS to the Middle East countless times in futile attempts to bring "peace" to an area that is not interested in American interferance. All this because of false promises and empty threats. Promises of "peace in our time" and threats of removing Hamas from power, all given by a government that has no intention of following through.

The Europeans have given up on us there is nothing for them here to waste their time over and oil is more important to them. They have come to the realization that the last bastion between them and radical Isalm is becoming a paper tiger and they are deserting like rats from a sinking ship. Egypt is wooing Hamas because they have come to the realization that Israel no longer has the desire to protect Egypts northern border.

The amount of arms and ammunition being smuggled in through the Sinai border in violation of all the agreements between Isarel and Egypt is finally toppling the balance of power. The same goes for our northern border in violation of UN resolution 1701 and with the deafening silence of the International community. All this because of empty threats and a useless IG.

Our latest offer to the PA has been rejected and Olmert has the nerve to offer more even though he is on his way out. So why even bother with them, enough is enough, Oslo is dead! It is time for more assertive action if we are to survive and the current IG is not up to the job and never will be. The Kadima party with whoever is at its head at the end of this month should be relegated to the back benches of the opposition and laid to rest.

The days of left wing liberalism and pseudo "peace movements" are is time for a different tack.

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